Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A&P BI231: skull tips!!

A tip from Alesha to remember what makes up the Sella Turcica - T.H.D.P. = Too High Down Please!!!
T - Tuberculum sellae
H - Hypophyseal fossa
D - Dorsum sellae
P - Posterior Clinoid Process

Another tip submitted by Alesha to remember the rotundum, ovale and spinosum foramens; think ROSS (but without the second S).
R - Rotundum
O - Ovale
S - Spinosum

Or if you'd like to take it a step further...
Jugular, Lacerum, Spinosum, Ovale, Rotundum foramens:
J - Jesus
L - Loved
S - Spitting
O - Out
R - Rhymes

Thanks for all the tips submitted!! KEEP THEM COMING!!

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