Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A&P BI231: skull tips!!

A tip from Alesha to remember what makes up the Sella Turcica - T.H.D.P. = Too High Down Please!!!
T - Tuberculum sellae
H - Hypophyseal fossa
D - Dorsum sellae
P - Posterior Clinoid Process

Another tip submitted by Alesha to remember the rotundum, ovale and spinosum foramens; think ROSS (but without the second S).
R - Rotundum
O - Ovale
S - Spinosum

Or if you'd like to take it a step further...
Jugular, Lacerum, Spinosum, Ovale, Rotundum foramens:
J - Jesus
L - Loved
S - Spitting
O - Out
R - Rhymes

Thanks for all the tips submitted!! KEEP THEM COMING!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A&P BI231: Lab Practical Discussion

Rachel opens lab tonight discussing our upcoming practical (Wed 10/27/2010).

Monday, October 18, 2010

October: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

On Wednesday October 20th please wear PURPLE in memory of those who turned to suicide due to the homophobic abuse they were tormented by. Purple represents 'spirit' in the LGBTQ flag (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer). October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. So many LGBTQ people fall victim to domestic violence. Together we can stop domestic violence.

A&P BI231: Skull Review

Rachel reviews the skull in lab.

These include:
1. Maxillary
2. Frontal
3. Zygomatic

also nasally:
4. Ethmoidal
5. Lacrimal

and posterior:
6. Sphenoid
7. Palatine

Here's an interactive TOOL to help memorize the skull bones and foramens.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A&P BI 231: Practice Lecture Exam part 2

Rachel Thwing reviewing our practice exam - questions selected by students.

A&P BI 231: Practice Lecture Exam part 1

Rachel Thwing reviewing our practice exam - questions selected by students.

A&P BI231: Ossification: Endochondral

Rachel Thwing's lecture on Ossification, type: Endochondral.
Starting on slide #37 of the lecture power point.
Please leave me comments pertaining to this lecture. Thanks!!!

A&P BI231: Ossification: Intramembranous

Rachel Thwing's lecture on Ossification, type: Intramembranous.
Starting on slide #32 of the lecture power point.
Please leave me comments pertaining to this lecture. Thanks!!!